This function produces a Markdown document with the extractor instructions as provided in an Rxs Specification.

extractor_instructions_from_sheet(x, headingLevel = 3)



The spreadsheet with extractor instructions; or an rxs specification (as produced by a call to rxs_fromSpecifications()).


The top-most heading level to use


The formatted extractor instructions


### Load an example rxs specification
data("rxs_minimal_example_2", package="metabefor");

### Produce the instructions in Markdown format
extractorInstructions <-
### Show the produced markdown
#> ### Extractor instructions
#> #### Introduction
#> These instructions are for extractors using the minimal rxs example.
#> #### More instructions
#> Normally, these instructions should be comprehensive enough to allow people to extract data reasonably accurately.
#> #### This is a heading
#> You can add as many rows of instructions as you want. These are included in the extractor instructions. In fact, you *should* add as many rows as you want.
#> #### One more heading
#> When writing the instructions, keep in mind that these instructions and the entities' descriptions should together allow accurate replication of the extraction. This means that another researcher, unfamiliar with your project team and who has not attended any of your project's meetings (i.e. somebody who does not necessarily share your implicit assumptions and tacit knowledge), equiped with these instructions, should extract the same information as you will.